A Study of the Application of Cold Forging Technique for a Big Flange Bolton coupling

대형 Flange bolt의 냉간단조 성형공법 적용에 관한 연구

  • Kwon-Soo Lee (Research Center, Yukong metal Co.) ;
  • Yong-Sik Ahn (Department of Materials Sci. & Eng., Pukyong National University)
  • 이권수 (유공금속 기술연구소) ;
  • 안용식 (부경대학교 융합소재공학부)
  • Received : 2024.03.06
  • Accepted : 2024.03.31
  • Published : 2024.03.31


Due to increasing demands for environmental protection and cost reduction, the application of cold forging technology in the production of large-sized flange bolts, which was mainly manufactured through hot forging, has become necessary. An investigation was conducted on the die design of preform dies for cold forging a large-sized flange bolt. The die design, which utilized the upsetting process, was determined insufficient due to the excessive principal stress exerted on the die. Nevertheless, the die design utilized in the trimming process showed its compatibility with the cold forging of the flange bolt. The die design was evaluated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) to identify the most optimal state in terms of the preform die's outer diameter. As a result, the results of the study have been applied to the actual manufacturing process, leading to the creation of a forging die with an extended lifespan.



본 연구는 2023년도 LINC 3.0 산학공동과제의 지원을 받아 수행되었습니다.


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