게이트와 Glass Fiber 함유량이 사출품의 변형에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

A Study on the effect of gate and glass fiber content on deformation of injection molded products

  • 투고 : 2024.01.12
  • 심사 : 2024.03.31
  • 발행 : 2024.03.31


In this study, in order to minimize the deformation of the end-plate of plastic injection products used as automobile battery parts, we compared and studied the effect on the amount of product deformation by changing the number and position of gates and the glass fiber content of the injection raw material. To compare the amount of deformation, a molding analysis program was used, and 5 points on the main flat surface of the product were selected to compare the amount of product deformation. The amount of product deformation was compared by changing the number and location of gates to 5 types, and the amount of product deformation was compared by changing the glass fiber content of the raw material to 4 levels. The effect of improving the amount of deformation of the product was confirmed by changing the glass fiber content of the gate and raw materials, and it was confirmed that the addition of glass fiber had a significant effect on the amount of deformation of the product. Compared to products that did not contain glass fiber, the amount of deformation in products containing 30% glass fiber was reduced the most, and it was confirmed that the amount was reduced by about 80 to 90%.



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