A Study on the Limitations of the Pre-Planning of Space Innovation Project for a High School Credit System of a High Shool in Jeonbuk State

전북특별도 ◯◯고 고교학점제 공간조성사업 사전기획 과정에 나타난 한계 연구

  • Received : 2024.10.10
  • Accepted : 2024.10.29
  • Published : 2024.11.25


This study begins with the situation experienced by the researcher in the pre-planning of space creation project the high school credit system at ◯◯ High School in Jeonbuk state, where he was a facilitator. The purpose is to record and share the process of space creation through pre-planning to provide a little information to schools that may experience similar situations and to examine the institutional limitations of pre-planning for educational facilities. The following problems were identified through the process and results of pre-planning at ◯◯ High School. It was confirmed that various problems occurred because the plan prepared by the school for the high school credit system space creation project was prepared without experts and pre-planning was carried out based on this.



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