농어촌주택의 유형별 노후형태와 성능개선을 위한 증축 및 개보수 현황 분석 - 장흥군 4개 마을을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Status of Extension and Renovation of Aging Types and Performance Improvement in Rural Houses by Type - Based on 4 Villages in Jangheung-gun -

  • 김용균 (농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원) ;
  • 김상범 (농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원)
  • 투고 : 2024.10.10
  • 심사 : 2024.11.22
  • 발행 : 2024.11.25


The purpose of this study, we tried to derive problems and implications for future improvement by analyzing the physical characteristics of extension and renovation to improve the settlement environment due to the old age of rural houses and understanding the current status of rural houses. In this study, literature research, prior research analysis, and field research were conducted to analyze the physical characteristics of rural housing retirement patterns and performance improvement. This study attempted to derive the current problems of rural housing and implications for future improvement by analyzing the physical characteristics of extension and renovation to improve the settlement environment in four villages near Jangdong-myeon, Jangheung-gun. The basic pension was the highest as a major source of income for householders in rural and fishing villages, because most of the four villages had a large number of elderly people who could not engage in agriculture. The proportion of residential and vacant houses over 30 years old was investigated to be high. As for the housing structure, it was analyzed that the higher the soil in the wood structure and wall material, and the higher the probability of vacant houses becoming vacant as the wood structure and wall material are cement blocks. An average of 20% of the space expansion was carried out to improve the residential environment of the target house. In terms of space composition ratio, 14% of individual spaces and 40.2% of common spaces accounted for the largest portion of houses with 45.8% of attached spaces, and among the attached spaces, the warehouse space, which is a storage space, was the largest and the largest number of extensions. In the target farming and fishing village houses, there was a lot of renovation of the roof due to leakage, and secondary repairs such as plating and floorboards were additionally carried out due to mold generation due to leakage. In addition, in order to solve the insulation problem, a double window replacement from a single window and an insulation material was added to the wall, resulting in a form of renovation using a material different from the existing wall material. Since durability due to aging is not guaranteed, a number of temporary repair cases have been confirmed by partial improvement.



본 논문은 2024년도 농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농업과학기술 연구개발사업 지원에 의한 결과의 일부임. 과제번호:PJ01746102.


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