A Study on the Concept of 'Marrow(髓)' in the Huangdineijing

『황제내경』의 '수(髓)' 개념에 대한 고찰

  • Shin Sang-won (Dept. of Humanities & Social Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University)
  • 辛相元 (釜山大學校 韓醫學專門大學院 人文社會醫學敎室)
  • Received : 2024.11.18
  • Accepted : 2024.11.19
  • Published : 2024.11.25


Objectives : This study aims to determine the network of relevant concepts to 'marrow', by extracting semantic contexts of general narratives related to 'marrow' in the Huangdineijing. It aims to reinterpret the meaning of the 'marrow' concept that is not fully recognized today, and to supplement through comparison with the explanation suggested in the knowledge system of contemporary Korean Medicine. Methods : First, explanations in the Huangdineijing on the phenomenological substance of 'marrow' and later discourse made by East Asian Medical doctors were widely collected and analyzed. Through this process, a network of related concepts were determined, from which the nature and meaning of 'marrow' was extracted. Contemporary Korean Medical interpretation of the 'marrow' concept was examined and compared. Results : The marrow holds an independent position which is not explained in contemporary Korean Medical texts. Other new understandings were acquired, such as its physical anatomical existence based on its pathologies, the relationship between marrow, the Gallbladder and Shaoyang. Conclusions : 1. While the marrow holds a similar position to the innate Jing, it is not pure Jing itself. It is material form created from nutrition, yet highly refined, thus holding a unique position in being responsible for basic life activity. 2. The pathology of marrow in the Huangdineijing appears as comprehensive, including the nervous system and various neurotransmitters. 3. It is necessary to subdivide the general meaning of marrow into a multiple narrow meanings, based on the physical difference between bone marrow and nervous system. 4. The physiology of marrow is intricately related to the functions of the Gallbladder and Shaoyang.



이 과제는 부산대학교 기본연구지원사업(2년)에 의하여 연구되었음


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