An analysis of factors influencing college students' acceptance of telemedicine

  • Sangmin Lee (Department of Business Administration and Data Science, CHA University School of AI Healthcare, CHA University) ;
  • Semi Han (Department of Business Administration and Data Science, CHA University School of AI Healthcare, CHA University)
  • 투고 : 2024.03.08
  • 심사 : 2024.08.31
  • 발행 : 2024.10.31


The research studied college students who are potential telemedicine users but have been relatively under-researched. Considering the characteristics of telemedicine technology and traditional medical services, we developed a research model that used UTAUT and the Behavioral Model of Health Service Use as a theoretical framework and added trust and privacy concerns that reflect the unique characteristics of telemedicine. To examine the research model, we conducted a survey, and the respondents were recruited from the online community for college students. The survey questionnaire included performance expectancy (usefulness, convenience, cost-saving), effort expectancy, social influence, trust, privacy concerns, health status, health anxiety, and demographic information. 166 data were collected, and we used SPSS Statistics and SmartPLS to analyze the measurement and structural models. Determinants of telemedicine acceptance were analyzed as usefulness, convenience, cost-saving, social influence, and trust. In addition, we conducted a multi-group analysis by gender and found that social influence had a stronger effect on female students' intention to accept telemedicine. Based on the results, this study investigates college students' motivations and personal characteristics affecting telemedicine acceptance and the mechanisms involved in how these factors lead to stronger acceptance intention.



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