본 연구는 2024년도 청운대학교 학술연구조성비 지원을 받아 수행되었음
- 윤채영, 진장익. (2024). 코로나 시기, 주택과 스트레스와의 관계에 관한 연구 : 주택유형과 점유형태를 중심으로. 국토계획, 59(4), 123-140.
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- 엄태호, 김영삼, 이종석, 신홍철, 김영근. (2016). 콘크리트 균열폭에 따른 녹화 식물 뿌리 침입 및 방수층의 수밀성에 미치는 영향. 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집, 20(1), 112-117.
- Abas, F. S., & Hashim, A. H. (2014). The effects of poor waterproofing in buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 3, 50-56.
- Grigg, R. (2004). Water-proofing failures and their impact on building deterioration. Building Research & Information, 32(2), 102-108.
- Wilkinson, P., Landon, M., Armstrong, B., Stevenson, S., Pattenden, S., McKee, M., & Fletcher, T. (2001). Cold comfort: The social and environmental determinants of excess winter deaths in England, 1986-1996. Policy Press.
- Liddell, C., & Morris, C. (2010). Fuel poverty and human health: A review of recent evidence. Energy Policy, 38(6), 2987-2997.
- Hills, J. (2012). Getting the measure of fuel poverty: Final report of the fuel poverty review. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics and Political Science. 1-238.
- 김선호, 윤영란, 김정원, 문현준. (2022). 건강 실내공기질(IAQ) 유지를 위한 강화학습 기반 환기 시스템, 공기 청정기의 최적 통합 제어. 한국생활환경학회지, 29(2), 176-190.
- Fisk, W. J., Lei-Gomez, Q., & Mendell, M. J. (2007). Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes. Indoor Air, 17(4), 284-296.
- Boyce, P., Hunter, C., & Howlett, O. (2003). The benefits of daylight through windows. Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 1-88.
- 이신혜, 강재헌, 김철환, 성은주, 신호철, 조인영, 오수파, 임정선, 강현준, 윤현정. (2022). 비타민 D 부족 성인 여성에서 Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes 노출 조건이 혈중 25-Hydroxyvitamin D 농도에 미치는 영향 조사. Korean Journal of Family Practice, 12(2), 110-115.
- 임형택, 김면. (2018). 1인 가구의 심리적 안정을 위한 실내 플랜터 디자인 연구. 기초조형학연구, 19(6), 627-638.
- Babisch, W. (2006). Transportation noise and cardiovascular risk: Updated review and synthesis of epidemiological studies indicate that the evidence has increased. Noise and Health, 8(30), 1-29.
- 김봉환, 한선희, 박재준, 김광해, 박근희, 안정법, 김형수. (2021). 소음 스트레스로 인한 조절기능 및 사위량 변화 분석. 대한시과학회지, 23(1), 41-50.
- Charleson, A. (2008). Seismic design for architects: Outwitting the quake. Architectural Press. 1-296.
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- Adriaanse, C. C. M. (2007). Measuring residential satisfaction: A residential environmental satisfaction scale (RESS). Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 22(3), 287-304.
- 김태형, 이지원. (2024). 청년주거의 안전 불평등 해소 및 정주성 제고를 위한 주거 욕구 우선순위 탐색: 지역차별(낙인효과)과 성별(결핍욕구)을 중심으로. 지역연구, 40(3), 3-21.
- Ogu, V. I. (2002). Urban residential satisfaction and the planning implications in a developing world context: The example of Benin City, Nigeria. International Planning Studies, 7(1), 37-53.
- Teck-Hong, T. (2012). Housing satisfaction in medium- and high-cost housing: The case of Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Habitat International, 36(1), 108-116.
- Wongbumru, T., & Dewancker, B. (2016). An evaluation of residential satisfaction for sustainable housing development in Bangkok, Thailand. City, Territory and Architecture, 3(1), 1-15.
- Bonnefoy, X. (2007). Inadequate housing and health: an overview. International Journal of Environmental Pollution, 30(3-4), 411-429.