제품유형과 SNS포스트 특성이 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향

Effects of Product Type and Characteristics of SNS Posting on Consumer Attitude

  • 연예지 (고려대학교 기업경영학과) ;
  • 요우커신 (고려대학교 기업경영학과) ;
  • 첸지아펭 (고려대학교 기업경영학과) ;
  • 구에린타냐 (고려대학교 기업경영학과) ;
  • 마맹 (고려대학교 기업경영학과) ;
  • 박철 (고려대학교 융합경영학부)
  • Yea Ji Yeon ;
  • You Kexin ;
  • Chen Jiapeng ;
  • Guerin Tanya ;
  • Ma Meng ;
  • Cheol Park
  • 투고 : 2024.06.28
  • 심사 : 2024.08.17
  • 발행 : 2024.08.31


A social networking service (SNS) is a system that allows users to freely communicate with each other to form a network of social connections and expand their network of contacts. Companies and brands use SNS marketing to provide information by creating their own content and sending it to consumers. Since companies can freely express the information they want to convey, it has become important to establish a promotional strategy that can increase consumers' intention to buy. Therefore, in this study, we categorized SNS posts into simple product exposure and ostentatious self-expression, and selected the product type to find out how consumers form attitudes toward SNS posts. The experimental design was a 2X2 factorial design with SNS post type (simple exposure, ostentatious self-expression) x product type (material goods, experiential goods), and 92 college students were tested. The results of the study showed that there was an interaction effect between SNS post type and product type, which supported the research hypotheses H1 to H3. In addition, this study attempted to verify the structural relationship between consumer attitude toward SNS posts and purchase intention through product attitude. It was found that product attitude fully mediated between consumer attitude and purchase intention. Therefore, this study empirically examined consumer attitudes toward various types of posts to determine which types of posts trigger SNS users' purchase intentions. We also confirmed the mediating effect of consumer attitude on product attitude and intention to purchase. Therefore, based on the differences in SNS users' attitudes when posting their products, this study suggests an efficient SNS marketing strategy for companies to shape product attitudes and purchase intentions.



본 논문은 고려대학교 특별연구비에 의해 연구되었음.


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