Evaluating the Suitability of Microservice Architecture in Steel Manufacturing MES: An AHP Analysis Based on Software Quality Attributes

철강 제조업 MES에서의 마이크로서비스 아키텍처 적합성 평가: 소프트웨어 품질 속성 기반 AHP 분석

  • Hoon Jeong ;
  • Jaekyoung Ahn
  • 정훈 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원) ;
  • 안재경 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원)
  • Received : 2024.08.29
  • Accepted : 2024.09.24
  • Published : 2024.10.31


This study employs the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the suitability of microservice architecture in Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for the steel manufacturing industry, based on software quality attributes. The research involved 36 experts (13 from architecture teams and 23 from business development teams) who assessed the importance of six main quality attributes (reliability, performance, usability, maintainability, flexibility, and security) along with their sub-attributes, and compared the suitability of microservice and monolithic architectures. The results indicate that microservice architecture demonstrated higher overall suitability with a composite score of 0.565, compared to monolithic architecture (0.435). Among the quality attributes, reliability was rated as the most important factor, while flexibility and maintainability were less important, as expected. Perception differences between teams were observed regarding performance attributes, while monolithic architecture was marginally favored in terms of security. This study emphasizes the importance of a contextual approach in software architecture selection, taking into account industry characteristics and system requirements. It contributes both academically and practically through methodological innovation using AHP, bridging theory and practice, and integrating diverse stakeholder perspectives. The findings provide practical guidelines for considering microservice architecture adoption in steel manufacturing MES and similar industries, while also stressing the need for a cautious approach.



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