생활폐기물 소각시설의 대보수 주기와 기술 진단 시점에 대한 기초 분석

Fundamental Analysis of Major Refurbishment Cycles and Timing of Technical Diagnosis for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Systems

  • 김태숙 (호서대학교 벤처대학원 융합공학과) ;
  • 김영희 (호서대학교 벤처대학원 융합공학과)
  • Tae-Sook Kim (Department of Convergence Engineering, Graduate School of Venture, Hoseo University) ;
  • Younghee Kim (Department of Convergence Engineering, Graduate School of Venture, Hoseo University)
  • 투고 : 2024.09.06
  • 심사 : 2024.10.15
  • 발행 : 2024.10.31


Background: Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) facilities in South Korea are facing challenges in maintaining their efficiency due to aging. Over 50% of these facilities have been in operation for more than 15 years, resulting in a decline in performance and an increase in pollutant emissions, both of which are impacting air quality and public health. Objectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate the optimal major refurbishment cycles for MSWI facilities and assess the appropriate timing for technical diagnostics. The goal is to maintain operational efficiency, minimize pollutant emissions, and ensure compliance with environmental standards. Methods: This study analyzed operational data from 2003 to 2022, focusing on facilities with a capacity of over 30 tons/day. Cost comparisons between major refurbishments and new installations were also performed using 2022 price data. Results: The results showed that, compared to new installations, refurbishments can save approximately 28% in costs while improving performance and reducing emissions. Facilities operating beyond 15 years showed significant declines in efficiency, highlighting the need for timely refurbishment. Conclusions: Refurbishing MSWI facilities every 15 years is both economically and environmentally beneficial. This strategy ensures that the facilities remain efficient and comply with environmental standards while protecting public health.



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