A study of OTT consumption based on multilevel modelling: Focusing on OTTgenre and subscription preferences, multihoming, and household environment

다층모형에 기반한 OTT 소비행태 연구: OTT 장르 및 구독 선호도, 멀티호밍 그리고 가구 환경을 중심으로

  • 정동아 (연세대학교 정보대학원 ) ;
  • 이상우 (연세대학교 정보대학원 )
  • Received : 2024.06.21
  • Accepted : 2024.08.21
  • Published : 2024.09.30


Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of individual characteristics and household environmental factors on OTT consumption, based on the uses and gratifications theory and family systems theory. It seeks to provide strategic and policy insights by incorporating key user attributes and environmental determinants affecting OTT consumption. Design/methodology/approach This research employs multilevel analysis utilizing data from the 2023 Media Panel Survey. The analysis incorporates multilevel data, combining individual and household levels. The Media Panel data, provided by the Korea Information Society Development Institute, encompasses information on households and their members aged six and above. Findings The findings indicate that individual OTT consumption significantly varies based on household environment. Residents of larger cities demonstrated higher OTT expenditure, whereas those in smaller cities exhibited greater OTT usage. A positive correlation was found between the number of OTT services used within a household and individual OTT usage. Interaction effects revealed that residents of smaller cities concentrated more on specific OTT types such as AVOD and AVOD+SVOD,AVOD+SVOD, leading to higher expenditures. While AVOD preference generally resulted in lower OTT expenditure, it increased with higher household OTT service usage. These results underscore the importance of considering both individual preferences and household environments in comprehending OTT consumption, providing a basis for developing customized media policies and content strategies.



본 연구는 과학기술정보통신부 및 정보통신기획평가원의 대학ICT연구센터육성지원사업의 연구결과로 수행되었음 (IITP-2024-2020-0-01749)


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