Exclusive Conjugate Quasi Orthogonal Space Time Block Code Family with Full Rate Full Diversity Following Feedback Approach

  • 투고 : 2024.10.05
  • 발행 : 2024.10.30


This paper presents a subfamily of quasi-orthogonal space time block codes (QOSTBC), named Exclusive Conjugate (ECQOSTBC), with full rate, full diversity and simple decoding at the receiver. Our approach estimates feedback constants at the receiver and the transmitter in turn modifies the transmitted symbols based on the estimated constants. This approach is an alternative method to those used in the literature to overcome the challenge of no existing STBC with full diversity and full rate with simple decoding for more than two transmitted antennas. Our simulation results show that the proposed family has better performance in terms of BER-SNR when compared to other codes presented in the literature. Finally, the estimated feedback constants in this work consists of only two real constants.



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