이 논문은 2024년도 정부(교육부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 기초연구사업임(NRF-2020R1I1A3052713).
- Unmanned terminals (kiosks) are spreading day by day, led by small and medium-sized businesses! [Internet],
- Digital worlds that feel human | Ultraleap [Internet],
- VTOUCH [Internet],
- G.Y. Heo, M.J. Kim, B.D. Song, and B.J. Shin, "Hand expression recognition for virtual blackboard," Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Vol.25, No.12, pp.1770-1776, 2021.
- S. Y. Kim, S. J. Urm, S. Y. Yoo, S. J. Kim, and K. M. Lee, "Application of sign language gesture recognition using Mediapipe and LSTM," Journal of Digital Contents Society, Vol.24, No.1, pp.111-119, 2023.
- Y. W. Park, W. J. Lee, M. S. Kim, M. J. Jeong, M. J. Kang, and S. H. Yeom, "Implementation of input device using motion and voice recognition," in Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference, Daejon, pp.287-288, 2023.
- Y. R. Kim, S. Y. Seo, and G. M. Park, "Touchless media art kiosks using gesture recognition," in Proceedings of Korean Society of Broadcasting and Media Engineering Conference, pp.232-235, 2022.
- C. Lugaresi et al. "MediaPipe: a framework for building perception pipelines," ArXiv abs/1906.08172, 2019.
- R. C. Staudemeyer and E. R. Morris, "Understanding LSTM - a tutorial into long short-term memory Recurrent Neural Networks," ArXiv, abs/1909.09586, 2019.
- Deep learning model lightweight technology analysis [Internet],
- X. Hu and H. Wen, "Research on model compression for embedded platform through quantization and pruning," Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.2078, No.1, 2021.
- Model optimization [Internet],
- G. Casiez, N. Roussel, and D. Vogel, "1€ filter: a simple speed-based low-pass filter for noisy input in interactive systems," In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp.2527-2530, 2012.