Blast behaviour prediction and simulation methods: A state-of-the-art review

  • Tarek Sharaf (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University) ;
  • Sara Ismail (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University) ;
  • Mohamed Elghandour (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University) ;
  • Ahmed Turk (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University)
  • Received : 2024.06.19
  • Accepted : 2024.10.14
  • Published : 2024.10.25


Recently, the phenomenon of disproportionate structural failure caused by blast load has grown more common in the field of engineering design. Blast-resistant analyses and designs have been developed by many structural techniques and methodologies to forecast the loads produced by a high explosive charge on structures with complicated geometry. These techniques are based on a good understanding of blast phenomena to analyze structures exposed to blast load. This paper provides a current state-of-the-art review of blast prediction and simulation methods to predict the design blast loads that are used to assess the structural response and damage level to an existing or new building. The damage criteria from the general design approach relevant to civil design applications in forecasting blast loads as well as structural system responses will be provided. Identifying the structures' expected damage class would aid in providing extra reinforcing or strengthening for damaged elements to meet the acceptance criteria or minimize damage by a suitable blast mitigation strategy. Based on identifying the damage class expected of a structure subjected to an explosion, blast mitigation strategies could be used to minimize damage and maximize the ability of the structure to function even after the explosion.



The research described in this paper was not financially supported by any organization.


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