중국의 무인편의점 특성이 지각혜택과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향: 언택트성향의 조절효과

The Effect of Unmanned Convenience Store Characteristics on Perception Benefits and Revisiting Intention in China: Moderating Role of Untact Tendency

  • 첸 지아펭 (고려대학교 기업경영학과) ;
  • 박철 (고려대학교 융합경영학부)
  • Chen Jiapeng (Department of Corporate Management, Korea University) ;
  • Cheol Park (Department of Global Business, Korea University)
  • 투고 : 2024.08.30
  • 심사 : 2024.09.25
  • 발행 : 2024.09.30


Purpose - The purpose of this study was to examine the influencing factors on the revisit intention of unmanned convenience stores for Chinese consumers who use unmanned convenience stores. The effect of unmanned convenience store characteristics (operation system, store arrangement) on customers' perceived benefits and the effect of perceived benefits (convenience, speed, stability, playability) on revisit intention were verified. In addition, by using untact propensity as a control variable, the purpose of this study was to examine that the characteristics of unmanned convenience stores have a moderating effect on the perceived benefits of customers. Design/methodology/approach - The study collected 201 survey data from unmanned convenience stores in China. In order to analyze the data, Smart PLS was used to carry out empirical analysis. Findings - The results showed that operating systems had a positive impact on convenience, speed, and safety, while store layout had a positive impact on playfulness. Perceived benefits (convenience, safety, and playfulness) had a positive impact on their intention to revisit. Rapidity had a negative impact on the intention to revisit. Contactless tendencies regulate the effect of operating systems on convenience. Research implications or Originality - Unmanned convenience stores are striving to provide high-quality experiences to customers and increase customer satisfaction by utilizing cutting-edge IT technologies in stores such as AI, mobile device payment services, QR codes, and big data technologies. Recently, research on unmanned convenience stores has been active in the service and distribution industry-related fields, but research on the intention to revisit is insufficient. Also, few studies have used untact propensity as a control variable.



이 논문은 2024년도 고려대학교 특별연구비에 의하여 수행되었음.


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