관광객의 가치가 탄소중립관광 행동에 미치는 영향: 가치신념규범 이론을 바탕으로

Effect of Value on Tourists' Carbon Neutral Tourism Behaviors: Applying VBN(Value-Belief-Norm)Theory

  • 우은주 (부경대학교 관광경영학과) ;
  • 이상탁 (경남대학교 관광학부) ;
  • 김영국 (강원대학교 관광경영학과)
  • Eun-Ju Woo (Department of Tourism Management, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Sang-Tak Lee (Department of Tourism, Kyungnam University) ;
  • Yeong-Gug Kim (Department of Tourism Management, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2024.08.30
  • 심사 : 2024.09.25
  • 발행 : 2024.09.30


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine tourists' intentions toward carbon-neutral behavior within the tourism industry. Specifically, it focuses on the tourists, who are the consumers of tourism activities, rather than the perspective of tourism providers. The study investigates the impact of tourists' carbon-neutral tourism behavior, using the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) theory. Design/methodology/approach - A face-to-face survey was conducted with tourists who visited tourist sites in Busan. As a result, a total of 347 valid responses were collected, which were then used to test the proposed research model and seven hypotheses. Findings - Examining the structural relationships revealed that all seven hypotheses were statistically significant and supported. The three proposed values had a positive impact on the new environmental paradigm(H1,H2,H3). The new environmental paradigm significantly influenced awareness of consequences(H4), which in turn positively affected ascription of responsibility(H5). The ascription of responsibility significantly impacted personal norms(H6), and finally, personal norms had a positive impact on carbon-neutral tourism intentions(H7). Research implications or Originality - Various academic fields, both domestically and internationally, are recognizing the risks of the climate crisis and conducting research related to carbon neutrality. However, in the field of tourism studies, research specifically focused on carbon-neutral tourism remains quite limited. Therefore, this study aims to understand the carbon-neutral behaviors of tourists. Based on this understanding, the study provides practical implications for tourism providers.



이 논문은 부경대학교 자율창의학술연구비(2023년)에 의하여 연구되었음.


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