Nonlinear FG-CNT effect on the critical buckling load of nanocomposite beams with different boundary conditions

  • Youcef Tlidji (Materials and Structures Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Tiaret) ;
  • Mohamed Zidour (Laboratory of Geomatics and Sustainable Development, University of Tiaret) ;
  • Rachid Zerrouki (Laboratory of Geomatics and Sustainable Development, University of Tiaret) ;
  • Abdelillah Benahmed (Laboratory of Geomatics and Sustainable Development, University of Tiaret) ;
  • Boumediene Serbah (Water and Works in Their Environment Laboratory (EOLE), University of Tlemcen) ;
  • Kada Draiche (Civil Engineering Department, University of Tiaret) ;
  • Khaled Bouakkaz (Materials and Structures Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Tiaret)
  • 투고 : 2024.05.10
  • 심사 : 2024.09.19
  • 발행 : 2024.10.25


This paper deals with the effect of non-linear volume fraction distribution of carbon nanotube in the FG-CNTRC beams on the critical buckling via a hyperbolic shear deformation theory. Here, different boundary condition was considered including hinged hinged, clamped clamped and clamped-free. Single-walled carbon nanotubes are aligned and distributed in the polymer matrix in different ways to reinforce it and the material properties of (CNTRC) beams are assumed to vary gradually along the thickness direction, following a new exponential power law distribution of (CNT). The effective material properties of nanocomposite beams are estimated using the rule of mixture. The governing equations of the mathematical models are obtained by applying Hamilton's principle. The results provided of mathematical models in this work are compared and validated with similar ones in the literature. The critical buckling loads of nanocomposite beams with different boundary conditions of linear and non-linear distribution of CNT volume fraction were obtained. The effects of several parameters, including the type of beam, the volume fraction of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), the exponent degree (n), and the aspect ratio, were investigated. The distribution non-linearity of CNT volume fraction in the beam has a significant impact on the mechanical properties, particularly in buckling behavior with different boundary conditions.



The authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by the Directorate General for Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT).


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