본 연구는 2023년도 제주대학교 교원성과지원사업에 의하여 연구되었습니다
- Ko JH, Park J-S, Han I (2015) Automatic diffuser for tidal stream power generation, Domestic patent, 10-1493457
- Ko JH, Sitorus PE, Kim J (2019) Effect of variable shape blade on the performance of Darrieus turbine. J Korean Soc Mar Environ Energ 22(1):1-7
- Kim J, Park J-S, Ko JH (2019) Experimental study on interaction effect of Darrieus tidal stream turbines Ocean Polar Res 41(3):193-202
- Heo M-W, Kim D-H, Park J-S (2020) Investigation on performance characteristics of dual vertical axis turbine of 100 kW class tidal energy convertor. Trans Kor Hydrog New Energ Soc 31(1):151-159
- Heo M-W, Kim D-H, Park J-S (2021) Design of hybrid turbine combining darrieus and savonius for tidal current energy convertor. KSFM J Fluid Mach 24(6):37-46
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