Performance Improvement of a Darrieus Hydrokinetic Turbine by Interaction and Diffusion Effects

상호작용과 확산 효과를 이용한 다리우스 유체동력 터빈의 성능 향상

  • Dasom Jeong (Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Jeju National University) ;
  • Jin-Soon Park (Ocean Space Development & Energy Research Department, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology) ;
  • Jin Hwan Ko (Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Jeju National University)
  • 정다솜 (제주대학교 기계시스템공학과) ;
  • 박진순 (한국해양과학기술원 해양공간개발.에너지 연구부) ;
  • 고진환 (제주대학교 기계시스템공학과)
  • Received : 2024.01.08
  • Accepted : 2024.03.11
  • Published : 2024.03.30


In this study, first, we adopted a twin configuration of a Darrieus hydrokinetic turbines that can bring about an improvement in efficiency through positive interaction and obtained the optimal shape through parametric analysis of the small-scale turbine model by computational fluid dynamic simulations. Next, the effect of performance improvement was examined for symmetrical and asymmetrical ducts. The results show that the asymmetrical duct that utilizes diffusion effects has a comparative advantage in terms of efficiency and drag over the symmetrical one. However, the advantage of the Darrieus turbine, which has flow-directional independency, is lost in the case of the presented configuration; thus, we introduced the idea of a passive yaw-controller that adapts to the variation of the flow-direction that does not require additional energy consumption. In conclusion, such efforts and adjustments to enhance the performance of the Darrieus turbine by utilizing the interaction and diffusion effects discussed in this study will be helpful in securing competitiveness against other types of hydrokinetic turbines.



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