A hybrid approach of partially applying BDD for seismic PSA quantification

  • Sang Hoon Han (Risk Assessment Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • Received : 2023.12.13
  • Accepted : 2024.05.25
  • Published : 2024.10.25


The binary decision diagram (BDD) method provides a means to calculate the exact probability of a fault tree, but cannot solve large fault trees for nuclear power plant PSAs. However, the BDD method can be used as a supplementary means to increase the accuracy of PSA quantification, especially for a seismic PSA which includes many non-rare events. Since it is difficult to solve a large PSA model using BDD method, several approaches have been developed that partially apply the BDD technique to small-sized branches of a large PSA model. This paper proposes an approach of partially applying BDD technique to large-sized branches. The results from the pilot application to a seismic PSA model shows that the partial BDD approach of this paper provides a relatively accurate way to quantify each sequence as well as the overall core damage in a seismic PSA model.



This work was supported by the Nuclear Safety Research Program through the Korea Foundation of Nuclear Safety (KoFONS) using financial resources granted by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) of Korea (No. RS-2023-00240452).


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