Trends and Implications of Dairy Industry Policy in Japan

일본 낙농산업 정책의 동향과 시사점

  • Jae Chang Joo (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Convergence, Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • So Young Lee (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Convergence, Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Kwang Hyun Cho (Department of Livestock, Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Yong Kwang Shin (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Convergence, Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries)
  • 주재창 (국립한국농수산대학교 농수산융합학부) ;
  • 이소영 (국립한국농수산대학교 농수산융합학부) ;
  • 조광현 (국립한국농수산대학교 축산학부) ;
  • 신용광 (국립한국농수산대학교 농수산융합학부)
  • Received : 2024.09.12
  • Accepted : 2024.09.30
  • Published : 2024.09.30


This study aims to present basic data for establishing policies related to the dairy industry in Korea in the future through analysis of the process and trends of policy changes surrounding the dairy industry in Japan. To this end, the establishment and structural changes of Japanese dairy policies from the past to the present, such as the tribal payment system, which is the beginning of the Japanese dairy policy, were examined. In addition, through analysis of the supply and demand trend of the Japanese dairy industry and policies affecting crude oil production, implications for affecting the dairy industry in Korea were presented. The reality is that Korea's dairy industry is also in crisis. According to the 2023 Dairy Management Survey released by the Dairy Policy Institute of the Korea Dairy Beef Association, the difficulties in ranching are ① debt (45.6%), ② environmental (23.1%), ③ health problems (16.8%), ④ lack of leisure time (7.4%), and ⑤ successor problems (4.6%), debt and environmental problems are the main reasons that pressure dairy farmers. Korea's milk and dairy consumption is higher than that of meat and rice, and the trend is increasing every year, but the crude oil self-sufficiency rate is decreasing every year. Even in terms of food security, securing self-sufficiency for domestic crude oil is a very important issue. Therefore, policy support for the sustainable development of the dairy industry is essential in Korea along with preparing policies to create a stable supply and demand environment.



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