A Study on Appropriate Compensation for Gadeokdo Fishing Losses

가덕도 신공항 어업손실의 적정보상에 관한 연구

  • Woo-Do Lee (Korea Association of Asset Management) ;
  • Jin-Soo Lee (Department of Business Administration, Pukyong National University)
  • 이우도 ((사)한국자산관리학회) ;
  • 이진수 (국립부경대학교 경영학부)
  • Received : 2024.03.20
  • Accepted : 2024.08.18
  • Published : 2024.09.30


Fishing losses require a practical rather than an academic theoretical approach. As of the end of 2023, in accordance with the construction plan for the Gadeokdo New Airport, we are in a situation where we must realistically deal with losses not only to land and other obstacles in the area, but also to the fishing industry. However, in order for such compensation to be properly made, the legal realization procedures, ranging from the Land Compensation Act a general law, to the Fisheries Act, a special law, and even the Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act, must be identified and practically implemented. We will look into special cases in a special way and ultimately make efforts to resolve social conflicts in advance, and then, if unavoidable, take care to ensure that appropriate compensation for losses is provided in spite of ex-ante and ex-post rights relief. We would like to present a feasible plan. Going further from the concept and implementation method of compensation so far, shares of so-called 'post-asset' are distributed to fishermen so that other benefits can be provided to fishermen for the development of nearby areas at the same time as the construction of Gadeokdo New Airport. Effective plans will also have to be devised. In order to execute above targets, research and implementation concerning the compensation should be conducted according to the following procedures: 1) Resident and Status survey, 2) Reviewing measures for preparing a resettlement area and land for their livelihoods, 3) Selecting the candidate site for the resettlement area and land, 4) Establishment of Basic concept, and 5) Feasibility review.



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