Pseudo-static solution of active earth pressure against relief shelf retaining wall rotating around heel

  • Yun Que (College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University) ;
  • Jisong Zhang (College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University) ;
  • Chengcheng Long (College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University) ;
  • Fuquan Chen (College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.25
  • 심사 : 2024.08.26
  • 발행 : 2024.10.10


In practical engineering, the design process for most retaining walls necessitates careful consideration of seismic resistance. The prevention of retaining wall overturning is of paramount importance, especially in cases where the foundation's bearing capacity is limited. To research the seismic active earth pressure (ES) of a relieving retaining wall rotating around base (RB), the shear dissipation graphs across various operating conditions are analyzed by using Optum software, and the earth pressure in each region was derived by the inclined strip method combined with the limit equilibrium method. By observing shear dissipation graphs across various operating conditions, the distribution law of each sliding surface is summarized, and three typical failure modes are obtained. The corresponding calculation model was established. Then the resultant force and its action point were obtained. By comparing the theoretical and numerical solutions with the previous studies, the correctness of the derived formula is proved. The variation of earth pressure distribution and resultant force under seismic acceleration are studied. The unloading plate's position, the wall heel's length, and seismic acceleration will weaken the unloading effect. On the contrary, the length of the unloading plate and the friction angle of the filling will strengthen the unloading effect. The derived formula proposed in this study demonstrates a remarkable level of accuracy under both static and seismic loading conditions. Additionally, it serves as a valuable design reference for the prevention of overturning in relieving retaining walls.



The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41772297).


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