이 논문은 2021년 공주대학교 학술연구지원사업의 연구지원에 의하여 연구되었음.
- BCC News KOREA (2020, September 1). The Aftermath of COVID-19. Video Conferencing Service 'Zoom' Sales Surge. Available: https://www.bbc.com/korean/international-53981543
- Committee on Library and Information Policy (2023). A Study on the Educational Method of Using School Libraries Based on Digital New Technology. Sejong: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
- Doosan Encyclopedia (20204, May 21). Keyword 'Digital'. Doosan Encyclopedia Doopedia. Available: https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=1086177&cid=40942&categoryId=32383
- Han, Sang-Ji (2021). An Edutech Platform Structure and Function Analysis. Master's thesis, Mathematics Education Major, Graduate School of Education Ajou University.
- Jeonbuk Education Policy Research Institute (2023). A Study on the Establishment of Educational Environment Based on Edutech. Jeonju: Jeonbuk Education Policy Research Institute.
- Kim, Min-Chea (2023). An analysis of research trends to 'New Normal Education'. Journal of Educational Innovation Research, 33(1), 95-119. http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.33.1.202303.95
- Kim, Soon-Nam (2020). The Influence of Digital Native's Digital Competence and Self-determination on Self-directed Learning Ability. Master's thesis, Educational Technology Major, Graduate School of Education Kwangwoon University.
- Korea Education and Research Information Service (2023). A Guidebook for Using Edu-Tech in the Classroom. Deagu: Korea Education and Research Information Service.
- Ministry of Education (2021, August 30). Korean New Deal! to Provide 21st Century Education to 21st Century Students. Ministry of Education Official Blog. Available: https://if-blog.tistory.com/12507
- Nam, Sun-Woo (2020). A study on the development and application for edutech based flipped learning. The Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 11(3), 1677-1691. http://dx.doi.org/10.22143/HSS21.11.3.119
- Oh, Seung-Yeon (2021). Operational Status and Countermeasures of School Libraries in Gwangju Metropolitan City in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Master's thesis, Library Education Major, Graduate School of Education Jeonbuk National University.
- Park, Gwang-Ryeol (2023). A study on teachers' perception of edutech utilized classes and its application. Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education, 36(4), 377-395. http://dx.doi.org/10.24062/kpae.2023.36.4.377
- Samjoung KPMG ERI (2019). 2025 Future of education industry: focusing on technological innovation, platform, and sharing economy. Samjoung KPMG ISSUE MONITOR, Vol. 110.
- School Library Journal (2020, May 26) Reading Books Together Online. Available: https://www.slj.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=special&wr_id=598&page=3
- HolonIQ (2022, January 2). Global Edutech Venture Capital Report- Full Year 2021. Available: https://www.holoniq.com/notes/global-edtech-venture-capital-report-full-year-2021
- McNeill, W. H. (1976). Plagues and Peoples. New York: Anchor Books. 김우영 옮김(2005). 전염병의 세계사. 서울: 이산.
- New Media Consortium (2017). The NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Library Edition. Texas: NMC.