Determinants of Effective Research Information Retrieval among Nigerian Librarians: The Roles of ICT Competencies, Web Competencies, and Web Search Strategies

  • Received : 2023.08.16
  • Accepted : 2024.06.26
  • Published : 2024.12.31


The role of librarians has evolved beyond traditional bookkeeping and cataloging to include dynamic responsibilities in research information retrieval. This study examined the determinants influencing effective research information retrieval among Nigerian librarians, specifically focusing on ICT competencies, web competencies, and web search strategies. A descriptive survey was conducted, sampling 112 librarians from eight universities using questionnaires as the data collection instrument. The findings revealed that all three determinants-ICT competencies, web competencies, and web search strategies-were positively correlated with librarians' effective information retrieval for research in university libraries. Among them, web search strategies had the most significant impact, while web competencies had the least. Additionally, the combined influence of these determinants accounted for 68% of librarians' effective information retrieval for research. A multiple regression analysis was performed, yielding an F-ratio value of 37.85, which was significant at the 0.05 level. This underscores the importance of these determinants in shaping the effectiveness of information retrieval practices among librarians in university libraries.



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