이 논문은 2023학년도 국립부경대학교 산학협력단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(202311680001).
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- Y.R.Jeong, S.H.Bae, "Estimation of Bus Passenger Occupancy and Degree of Congestion by Using Bus Card Data in Busan," Journal of Transport Research, Vol.22, No.3, pp.13-24, 2015.
- Y.J.Jin, Y.M.Kim, D.H.Lee, S.H.Bae, "CCTV video data to estimate the number of people in the bus and determine the congestion level," Journal of Korean Society of Transportation, No.78, pp.297-302, 2018.
- J.H.Lim, S.S.Park, S.B.Go, J.T.Kim, D.H.Kim, "Bus Seat Availability Prediction System based on Time Series Forecasting," Journal of KIISE(Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers), pp.1873-1875, 2017.
- W.S.Choi, J.H.Jo, W.C.Park, S.H.Choi, "Design of YOLO-NAS Model for Safety Helmet Detection in Embedded Systems," Journal of the Korea Contents Association, Vol.24, No.3 pp.14-24, 2024.
- M.H.Park, J.H.Choi, W.J.Lee, "Object detection for various types of vessels using the YOLO algorithm", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol.48, No.2 pp.81-88, 2024.
- H.D.Lee, S.G.Kim, S.C.Na, J.Y.Ham, C.H.Kwak, "A Study on the Detection of Traffic Disadvantaged Persons Using Ensemble YOLOv5 Model," Journal of the Korea Computer Information Society, Vol.29, No.1, pp.61-68, 2024.
- D.W.Kim, J.H.Lee, "Automated Banner Crackdown System Using YOLO and OpenCV Technology," Journal of the Society of Semiconductor and Display Technology, Vol.22, No.4, pp.48-52, 2023.
- S.W.Lee, K.H.Yoo, Y.K.Kang, J.M.Kim, C.S.Lee, "A Study on Strawberry Harvesting Robot System Using YOLO-based Object Recognition," Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.32, No.2, pp.101-108, 2023.
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- S.B.Park, Y.J.Jeong, D.E.Lee, T.K.Kim, "A Study on the Elevator System Using Real-time Object Detection Technology YOLOv5," Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence, Vol.10, No.2, pp.103-108, 2024.
- T.K.Kim, "Spatial Crowdedness Measurement System using IoT and Amazon Web Services," Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence, Vol.9, No.4, pp.15-20, 2023.
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