Feasibility, safety and effectiveness of the enhanced recovery after surgery protocol in patients undergoing liver resection

  • Mohamad Younis Bhat (Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Sadaf Ali (Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Sonam Gupta (Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Younis Ahmad (Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Mohd Riyaz Lattoo (Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Mohammad Juned Ansari (Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Ajay Patel (Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Mohd Fazl ul Haq (Department of General Surgery, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Shaheena Parveen (Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences)
  • Received : 2024.02.08
  • Accepted : 2024.04.18
  • Published : 2024.08.31


Backgrounds/Aims: The implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols has demonstrated significant advantages for patients by mitigating surgical stress and expediting recovery across a spectrum of surgical procedures worldwide. This investigation seeks to assess the effectiveness of the ERAS protocol specifically in the context of major liver resections within our geographical region. Methods: Our department conducted retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data, gathered from consenting individuals who underwent liver resections from January 2018 to December 2023. The assessment encompassed baseline characteristics, preoperative indications, surgical outcomes, and postoperative complications among patients undergoing liver surgery. Results: Among the included 184 patients (73 standard care, 111 ERAS program), the baseline characteristics were similar. Median postoperative hospital stay differed significantly: 5 days (range: 3-13 days) in ERAS, and 11 days (range: 6-22 days) in standard care (p < 0.001). Prophylactic abdominal drainage was less in ERAS (54.9%) than in standard care (86.3%, p < 0.001). Notably, in ERAS, 88.2% initiated enteral feeding orally on postoperative day 1, significantly higher than in standard care (47.9%, p < 0.001). Early postoperative mobilization was more common in ERAS (84.6%) than in standard care (36.9%, p < 0.001). Overall complication rates were 21.9% in standard care, and 8.1% in ERAS (p = 0.004). Conclusions: Our investigation highlights the merits of ERAS protocol; adherence to its diverse components results in significant reduction in hospital length of stay, and reduced occurrence of postoperative complications, improving short-term recovery post liver resection.



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