Material attractiveness of irradiated fuel salts from the Seaborg Compact Molten Salt Reactor

  • Vaibhav Mishra (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University) ;
  • Erik Branger (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University) ;
  • Sophie Grape (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University) ;
  • Zsolt Elter (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University) ;
  • Sorouche Mirmiran (Formerly employed by Seaborg Technologies)
  • Received : 2023.09.13
  • Accepted : 2024.04.30
  • Published : 2024.09.25


Over the years, numerous evaluations of material attractiveness have been performed for conventional light water reactors to better understand the nature of the spent fuel material and its desirability for misuse at different points in the nuclear fuel cycle. However, availability of such assessments for newer, Generation IV reactors such as Molten Salt Reactors is rather limited. In the present study we address the gap in knowledge of material attractiveness for molten salt reactor systems and describe the nature of irradiated fuel salts which the nuclear safeguards community might be faced with in the near future as more and more such reactors enter commission and operation. Within the scope of the paper, we use a large database of simulated irradiated fuel salt isotopics (and other derived quantities such as gamma activity, decay heat, and neutron emission rates) developed specifically for a molten salt reactor concept in order to shed some light on possible weapons usability of uranium and plutonium present in the irradiated fuel salts. This has been achieved by proposing a new attractiveness metric that is better suited for quantifying attractiveness of irradiated salts from a model molten salt concept. The said metric has been computed using a database that has been created by simulating the irradiation of molten fuel salt in a concept core over a wide range of operational parameters (burnup, initial enrichment, and cooling time) using the Monte-Carlo particle transport code, Serpent. With the help of this attractiveness metric, the findings from this study have shown that in relative terms, molten salt spent fuel is more attractive than spent fuel produced by a conventional light water reactor. The findings also underscore the need for strengthened safeguards measures for such spent fuel. These results are expected to be useful in the future for regulatory authorities as well as for nuclear safeguards inspectors for designing a functional safeguards verification routine for irradiated fuel of such unique nature.



The authors thank the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Stralsakerhetsmyndigheten (SSM), Sweden for the financial support under the contracts SSM2022-4698, SSM2017-5980, and SSM2023-4386 that made this work possible. We are also grateful to our industry collaborators from Seaborg Technologies for sharing models, specifications and their feedback that was crucial for this work to come to fruition.


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