Performance based plastic design of friction damped RC building

  • Mithu Dey (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research) ;
  • Md Saniyal Alam (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.06
  • 심사 : 2024.08.27
  • 발행 : 2024.04.25


As a supplemental energy dissipation device, friction dampers are widely employed to augment the behaviour of buildings under seismic forces. In the current work, a methodology for the design of the friction damping system of RC frame buildings is offered using performance-based plastic design (PBPD) method. Here 2% of maximum interstorey drift ratio for life safety (LS) level is taken into account as a target drift to estimate the design base shear. In this approach, the distribution of friction damper is determined based on the hysteretic energy demand of that storey. Two frames, five storey three bay (5S3B) and eight storey three bay (8S3B) RC frame building with and without friction damping systems are also taken up for the investigation. The suggested design approach is validated by the nonlinear time history analysis (NLTHA) procedure. Inter story drift ratio (ISDR) and storey displacement, which are the more closely related to structural damage during seismic excitation are evaluated. The results show that the friction damping system on a retrofitted RC frame building performs effectively under seismic excitations and that storey displacement and ISDR are within the limit at moderate and high seismic intensities.



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