Effect of the stagnation pressure of a real gas on oblique shock waves

  • Mechta Mohammed (Aeronautical Sciences Laboratory, Institute of Aeronautics, and Space Studies University of Blida 1) ;
  • Yahiaoui Toufik (Aeronautical Sciences Laboratory, Institute of Aeronautics, and Space Studies University of Blida 1) ;
  • Dahia Ahmed (Nuclear Research Center of Birine)
  • Received : 2024.05.24
  • Accepted : 2024.08.10
  • Published : 2024.06.25


This article deals with the changes in flow air properties across an oblique shock wave for a real gas. The flow through is investigated to find a general form for oblique shock waves. The main objective of this work will result in the development of a new numerical algorithm to determine the effect of the stagnation pressure on supersonic flow for thermally and calorically imperfect gases with a molecular dissociation threshold, thus giving a better affinity to the physical behavior of the waves. So, the effects of molecular size and intermolecular attraction forces are used to correct a state equation, emphasizing the determination of the impact of upstream stagnation parameters on oblique shock waves. As results, the specific heat pressure does not remain constant and varies with the temperature and density. At Mach numbers greater than 2.0, the temperature rise considerably, and the density rise is well above, that predicted assuming ideal gas behavior. It is shown that caloric imperfections in air have an appreciable effect on the parameters developed in the processes is considered. Computation of errors between the present model based on real gas theory and a perfect gas model shows that the influence of the thermal and caloric imperfections associated with a real gas is important and can rise up to 16%.



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