Building Brand Loyalty and Recommendation through the Establishment of Brand Communities

  • Received : 2023.11.29
  • Accepted : 2024.08.29
  • Published : 2024.08.31


This research investigates the intricate dynamics governing loyalty and recommendation behaviors. The primary objective is to discern the impact of community development on user loyalty and its subsequent influence on product recommendations, using the Indonesian online brand community of the software Micromine as a case study. The technology acceptance model, which argues that adoption is done because of perceived ease, and cognitive dissonance theory, which describes how individuals adjust to reduce discomfort, provide the framework for this study. Utilizing a quantitative methodology, all 300 members of the online Micromine Indonesia community population were surveyed. The findings reveal that community members establish emotional connections through active participation in community forums. Satisfaction with the software's solutions in mining endeavors is prevalent among Micromine community members. Regression analysis showed that a positive attitude about the brand community was positively correlated with both brand loyalty (R2 = .83) and the likelihood of recommending the brand (R2 = .78). This supports both theories, where brand community members adopt technology and reduce discomfort by supporting community activities.



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