A study on the appointment status of the medical directors and the state of direct medical oversights in private ambulance services

사설이송업체의 지도의사 현황 및 직접의료지도 실태에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2024.06.28
  • Accepted : 2024.08.13
  • Published : 2024.08.31


Purpose: This study aimed to assess the appointment status of medical directors and the state of direct medical oversight in private ambulance services, including an analysis of the characteristics of the direct medical oversight requested by private ambulance services. Methods: This study investigated the appointment status of medical directors and direct medical oversight in private ambulance services based on official information disclosed by the National Emergency Medical Center and 17 local governments, along with 8,119 'Dispatch and Treatment Records' collected by a university hospital from 2020 to 2022. Results: Among 129 private ambulance services, 96.12% (124 agencies) had only one medical director, and 43.8% of the medical directors were Emergency Physicians. Over the past three years, the national average direct medical oversight request rate for private ambulance services was 34.68%. In 11.14% of the cases, records stated that EMS providers communicated with the medical director but did not receive direct medical oversight. Conversely, in 36.98% of cases, records incorrectly indicated that EMS providers did not communicate with the medical director but were noted as having received direct medical oversight (p<.05). Most private ambulance services request the direct medical oversight of a single director. Conclusion: This study highlights issues, such as the suitability of the medical director's specialty and inaccuracies in private EMS providers' methods for documenting Dispatch and Treatment Records.



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