The Impact of Calcium Depletion on Proliferation of Chlorella sorokiniana Strain DSCG150

  • Soontae Kang (Daesang Cellgene Corporation) ;
  • Seungchan Cho (Daesang Cellgene Corporation) ;
  • Danhee Jeong (Daesang Cellgene Corporation) ;
  • Urim Kim (Daesang Cellgene Corporation) ;
  • Jeongsug Kim (Daesang Cellgene Corporation) ;
  • Sangmuk Lee (Daesang Cellgene Corporation) ;
  • Yuchul Jung (Daesang Cellgene Corporation)
  • Received : 2024.03.11
  • Accepted : 2024.05.09
  • Published : 2024.07.28


This study analyzed the effects of Ca2+ metal ions among culture medium components on the Chlorella sorokiniana strain DSCG150 strain cell growth. The C. sorokiniana strain DSCG150 grew based on a multiple fission cell cycle and growth became stagnant in the absence of metal ions in the medium, particularly Ca2+. Flow cytometry and confocal microscopic image analysis results showed that in the absence of Ca2+, cell growth became stagnant as the cells accumulated into four autospores and could not transform into daughter cells. Genetic analysis showed that the absence of Ca2+ caused upregulation of calmodulin (calA) and cell division control protein 2 (CDC2_1) genes, and downregulation of origin of replication complex subunit 6 (ORC6) and dual specificity protein phosphatase CDC14A (CDC14A) genes. Analysis of gene expression patterns by qRT-PCR showed that the absence of Ca2+ did not affect cell cycle progression up to 4n autospore, but it inhibited Chlorella cell fission (liberation of autospores). The addition of Ca2+ to cells cultivated in the absence of Ca2+ resulted in an increase in n cell population, leading to the resumption of C. sorokiniana growth. These findings suggest that Ca2+ plays a crucial role in the fission process in Chlorella.



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