The Impact of Company's Environmental Orientation on Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Loyalty

기업의 환경 지향성이 직원 만족, 조직 몰입, 충성도에 미치는 영향

  • Young-Mi Jeon (Hoseo University)
  • 전영미
  • Received : 2024.07.02
  • Accepted : 2024.08.30
  • Published : 2024.08.30


The development of industry since the Industrial Revolution has caused environmental destruction and is threatening to destroy the order of the Earth's ecosystem. Due to the severity of environmental problems, companies are facing a crisis where they may lose competitiveness if their management strategies do not prioritize environmental issues. This study studied the impact of a company's environmental orientation on employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, and loyalty. This study studied the impact of a company's environmental orientation on employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, and loyalty. As a result of the study, the internal and external environmental orientation of the company on satisfaction had a significant positive influence and were all adopted, while the internal and external environmental orientation on organizational commitment were all rejected as they had no significant impact. Satisfaction was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on organizational commitment and a significant positive (+) effect on loyalty, so both were adopted. Organizational commitment was adopted because it had a significant positive effect on loyalty, and internal and external environmental orientation had no significant effect on loyalty, so it was all rejected. A company's green environmental orientation plays an important role in a company's sustainable growth and can be formed based on the company's will. Therefore, this study shows that a company's environmental orientation improves the company's environmentally friendly image and provides positive value to organizational members, leading to improved corporate performance.



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