Changes in 2D Animation Production Methods Due to Technological Advancements

기술 발전에 따른 2D 애니메이션 제작 방식의 변화

  • Rea Sung (Department of Digital Image & Animation, Baekseok University)
  • 성례아
  • Received : 2024.07.28
  • Accepted : 2024.08.30
  • Published : 2024.08.30


This study takes a comprehensive look at how technological advances have changed the way 2D animation is created. Humans are constantly looking for new ways and technologies to express movement, which has led to many changes in the way 2D animation is produced. In this study, we will examine the impact of these changes on 2D animation production and explore the possibilities for future developments. In the early days of 2D animation, the production method was repeatedly changed by the invention of technologies such as celluloid sheets, rotoscopes, and multiplane cameras, while the advent of digital technology has led to revolutionary changes such as the development of CAPS(computer animation production systems), various digital tools, and the combination of 2D and 3D. In addition, the recent introduction of generative AI is rapidly changing the way 2D animation is produced by automatically handling various tasks. These advances have not only streamlined the production of animation, but have also reduced costs by shortening the production period, and greatly improved the quality of animation by making it easier to implement complex and sophisticated visual effects. The introduction of generative AI has pushed the boundaries of what can be represented in 2D animation. On the other hand, the introduction of digital technology has its drawbacks, as the mechanical and uniform style produced by digital tools can reduce originality and individuality, but advances in technology will open up the possibilities for 2D animation to be produced in a variety of ways, as it fosters the creation of new expressions and creative content.



This paper was supported by a research grant from Baekseok University in 2024.


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