Distribution of Air Tickets through Online Platform Recommendation Algorithms

  • Soyeon PARK (Hanseo University)
  • Received : 2024.07.10
  • Accepted : 2024.09.05
  • Published : 2024.09.26


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to collect and analyze a large amount of data from online ticket distribution platforms that offer multiple airlines and different routes so that they can improve their ticket distribution marketing strategies and provide services that are more suitable for consumer's needs. The results of this study will help airlines improve the quality of their online platform services to provide more benefits and convenience by providing access to multiple airlines and routes around the world on one platform. Research design, data and methodology: For the study, 200 people completed the survey between May 1 and June 15, 2024, of which 191 copies were used in the study. Results: The hypothesis testing results of this study showed that among the components of the recommendation algorithm, decision comport, novelty, and evoked interest recurrence had a positive effect on perceived recommendation quality, but curiosity did not have a positive effect on recommendation quality. The perceived recommendation quality of the online platform positively influenced recommendation satisfaction, and the higher the perceived recommendation quality, the higher the intention to continue the relationship. Finally, higher recommendation satisfaction was associated with higher relationship continuation intention. Conclusion: it's important to continue researching online ticketing platforms. Online platforms will also need to be systems that use technology and data analytics to provide a better user experience and more benefits.



The study was written with the support of a research fund from Hanseo University.


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