Effect of the Black-Hole Attack in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

  • Mohamed Anis Mastouri (Communication systems – Sys'Com Laboratory National school of engineers of Tunis – ENIT Tunis) ;
  • Salem Hasnaoui (Communication systems – Sys'Com Laboratory National school of engineers of Tunis – ENIT Tunis)
  • Received : 2024.08.05
  • Published : 2024.08.30


VANETs have become one of the most attractive research areas in the world of wireless networks in recent years. Indeed, vehicular networks have become capable of optimizing road traffic, which significantly reduces the number of accidents through notifications exchanged between nearby vehicles. The routing function based on the opportunistic algorithm is a critical part of the vehicle's communication system and will therefore be an ideal target for attacks that could aim to prevent alert messages from reaching their destination, and thus endanger human lives. The black hole attack is a major threat to the security of VANETs. The main idea of this paper focuses on the analysis of this type of attack in VANETs using Discrete-Time Markov Chains (DTMC). and deduce at the end the effect of the number of malicious nodes on the delivery rate in the network.



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