Phishing Attacks on Cryptocurrency Traders in Arab States of The Gulf

  • Sawsan Alshehri (Department, of Information Systems, College of Computer science and information systems) ;
  • Reem Alhotaylah (Department, of Information Systems, College of Computer science and information systems) ;
  • Marwa Alyami (Department, of Information Systems, College of Computer science and information systems) ;
  • Abdullah Alghamdi (Department, of Information Systems, College of Computer science and information systems) ;
  • Mesfer Alrizq (Department, of Information Systems, College of Computer science and information systems)
  • 투고 : 2024.08.05
  • 발행 : 2024.08.30


With the great development of technology in all fields these days, including the financial field, people have gone into cryptocurrency trading, without prior knowledge or experience, which made them prey and coveted by hackers through phishing attacks. Therefore, we will study cases where people can be a victim of phishing because cryptocurrency occurs without an intermediary, such as banks and monetary institutions. It is a form of peer-to-peer transaction, physical wallets, and fake investing. This study aims to know the concept of a phishing attack on cryptocurrencies, and to measure the extent of peoples awareness of the security risks on these currencies. Previous literature will be reviewed, and a questionnaire will be published on traders who use cryptocurrency trading platforms, and then we collect data and analyze the answers provided, so that we can suggest educational solutions to these phishing problems.



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