자동차 가상충돌시험을 위한 고려사항

Considerations for Virtual Vehicle Crash Test

  • 김경진 (경일대학교 스마트디자인공학부) ;
  • 신재호 (경일대학교 스마트디자인공학부) ;
  • 한경희 (경일대학교 스마트디자인공학부)
  • 투고 : 2023.12.17
  • 심사 : 2024.03.23
  • 발행 : 2024.06.30


Computer simulation significantly reduces the high costs associated with actual crash tests and is expanding due to its ability to analyze various test results quantitatively that are difficult to measure in real tests. Research on evaluation technologies is limited according to the finite element analysis, which aims to replace structural verification testing. In this study, considerations for virtual crash tests were derived, and the validity of the zero-energy mode (hourglass mode) was analyzed as part of the considerations for validating the results of vehicle crash simulations. The study reflects on the considerations for virtual crash tests and the variation in hourglass coefficient values affects the occurrence of the hourglass mode. As the hourglass coefficient changes, the maximum hourglass energy reaches over 5% of the maximum internal energy, necessitating a conservative review. A comprehensive study of the maximum hourglass energy is required, considering additional analysis results for various models and collision conditions.



본 연구는 '자율주행기술개발혁신사업, 주행 및 충돌상황 대응 안전성 평가기술 개발'의 연구 결과로서 국토교통부와 국토교통과학기술진흥원의 지원으로 수행되었음(과제번호 RS-2021-KA160637).


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