First report of freshwater red alga Compsopogon caeruleus (Compsopogonaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea

  • Eun-Young Lee (Species Diversity Research Division, National Institute of Biological Resources) ;
  • Soon Jeong Lee (Tongyeong Regional Office of National Fishery Products Quality Management Service) ;
  • Sang-Rae Lee (Marine Research Institute, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2024.04.04
  • 심사 : 2024.07.01
  • 발행 : 2024.08.31


The filamentous freshwater red alga Compsopogon caeruleus(Compsopogonophyceae, Compsopogonaceae, Rhodophyta) occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of worldwide. This species has been reported from Asia, America, Africa, Europe and Oceania, and the worldwide distribution of Compsopogon caeruleus is in variable water habitats. Several morphospecies of the genus Compsopogon had been recorded, but recent molecular phylogenetic analyses with worldwide sampling identified a monospecific genus, C. caeruleus. In the present study, we first report a freshwater red alga Compsopogon caeruleus from Korea. We identified Compsopogon caeruleus in an urban river in Yongin City, and analyzed its morphological and genetic characteristics. Nuclear 18S rDNA, plastidal rbcL gene and mitochondrial cox1 gene sequences isolated from Korean Compsopogon caeruleus showed high sequences similarity with Compsopogon caeruleus from worldwide (98.6-100% (18S rDNA), 99-100% (rbcL) and 97.7-100% (cox1)). These sequences similarities support the identification of a red alga found in Korea as Compsopogon caeruleus. This new geographical report provides the useful information for understanding the distribution and habitat range of Compsopogon caeruleus especially concerning urban freshwater environments.



We thank for collecting the sample to Mr. Lee, Sang Won, Yongin City officer and for developing the map to Dr. Kim, Taekyu, NIER researcher. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) (NIBR202402104), funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) and by the National Fishery Products Quality Management Service (Development & Management of Disease Control Program for Aquatic Life, NFQS2024001), Republic of Korea.


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