A Study on the Meaning of Shengmaisan -Focusing on the argument of Zhangyuansu and Lidongyuan-

생맥산(生脈散)의 방의(方義)에 대한 고찰(考察) - 장원소(張元素)와 이동원(李東垣)의 논설을 중심으로 -

  • Ahn Jinhee (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics and History, College of Korean Medicine, Woosuk University)
  • 安鎭熹 (又石大學校 韓醫科大學 原典醫史學敎室 )
  • Received : 2024.08.06
  • Accepted : 2024.08.19
  • Published : 2024.08.25


Objectives : This paper aims to examine the meaning of Shengmaisan in relation to original qi based on the discussion of Zhangyuansu, Lidongyuan and other doctors. Methods : Discussion of Shengmaisan made by Zhang, Li and others were examined. Afterwards, the medicinal properties of renshen, maimendong, and wuweizi as written in the Bencaogangmu, Donguibogam, Benjingshuzheng and texts of Zhang and Li were studied in relation to original qi. Related concepts such as '肺中伏火'·'補肺中元氣不足'·'補天眞元氣'·'夏食寒' were analyzed as well. Results & Conclusions : 1. Various pathology related to deficiency in original qi could act as internal pathogen for Shengmaisan application with which external factors such as summerheat and dampness heat meet results in most damage in the Lung metal. Therefore the upper body Lung is emphasized as pathogen. 2. The pathology of Shengmaisan application is depletion of humor, which should be refined, due to summer or dampness heat in a state of original qi deficiency which damages the Lungs, disabling its function of managing clear and pure qi. 3. The disease pattern for Shengmaisan in relation to original qi, according to other doctors, includes symptoms related to the Lungs such as dryness in the mouth due to excessive perspiration, blankness, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, coughing, fast breathing, along with general bodily symptoms such as heavy sensation of the body, lethargy, difficulty walking, limping. These general bodily symptoms are due to either qi deficiency of the Lung, or humor deficiency due to failure of qi convergence in the lower body, or symptoms caused by Jing deficiency in severe cases. Symptoms related to problems in the lower body could manifest as dysfunction in urination and defecation, weakness in the limbs caused by original qi deficiency. 4. The Lungs circulate the clear and pure qi, converging qi and creating humor to assist the Triple Burner's Qi-Humor metabolism, enabling smooth communication of original qi throughout the body. With the original qi well tonified, the shen mechanism which is rooted in original qi allows for autonomous and consistent qi circulation within the body. Therefore, both Zhang and Li emphasized the importance of original qi. The property of Shengmaisan is explained as 'supplement qi/create liquid, convergence of yin/stop perspiration'. Zhang and Li explained its property as managing the circulation of original qi, to tonify Lungs' original qi and origin of water-humor.



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