『소아약증직결(小兒藥證直訣)』에 기재된 처방 복용법 중 금은화박하탕하(金銀花薄荷湯下) 구절에 대한 고찰

A study on the Jinyinbohetangxia verse of the medication instructions in the Xioaeryaozhengzhijue

  • 全炯俊 (한국한의학연구원 한의약데이터부)
  • Jun Hyeong Joon (Korean medicine Data Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2024.07.10
  • 심사 : 2024.08.09
  • 발행 : 2024.08.25


Objectives : This study aims to clarify the interpretation of the verse "jinyinhuabohetangxia(金銀花薄荷湯下)" in Zhouxuehai(周學海)'s corrective commentary in the Xiaoeryaozhenzhijue(小兒藥證直訣), by examining traditional pediatric texts in relation to the verse. Methods : For each of the three possible interpretations of the instructive phrase for taking herbal formulas-Lonicera flower with peppermint(金銀花+薄荷), gold and silver with peppermint(金銀+薄荷), and gold coin peppermint(金錢薄荷)-applications of these herbs in the various pediatric books were analyzed to determine the most appropriate interpretation. Results & Conclusions : The formulary composition of Liangjingwan(凉驚丸) and Wusewan(五色丸) seems to sufficiently target the pathology of pediatric convulsion(驚癎) and heart malnutrition(心疳). Furthermore, it seems unnecessary to add Lonicera flower(金銀花) to the gastrointestinal fragility(脾胃虛弱) of the malnourished(疳). Some of the herbal formulas in the pediatrics chapter of the Zhengzhizhunsheng(證治准繩) include Lonicera flower(金銀花) to treat only carbuncles(癰腫, 腫毒), while other books do not include it in their formulas. On the other hand, instructions to take water boiled with gold and silver appear in many texts, including the Xiaoeryaozhenzhijue(小兒藥證直訣), and sometimes include gold leaf(金箔) directly in the formula. Descriptions of gold and silver pots with instructions on how to make herbal formulas were found as well, which supports what Zhouxuehai(周學海) commented on the Xiaoeryaozhenzhijue(小兒藥證直訣). Although gold coin peppermint(金錢薄荷) is currently used as Lianqiancao(連錢草) in China, it was difficult to verify its identity as Jinqianbohe(金錢薄荷), which seems to have been recognized as a type of mint in the past. No reported anticonvulsant studies of Lonicera flower(金銀花), gold and silver(金銀), and Lianqiancao(連錢草) were found. Peppermint(薄荷) was ubiquitous in instructions for taking herbal formulas treating pediatric convulsions. Therefore, the instruction to take water boiled with gold and silver, or to take the herbal medicine in water boiled in a gold and silver pot, rather than using Lonicera flower(金銀花), could be considered as an interpretation closer to the original author's intent.



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