• Daniel Breaz (Department of Mathematics "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia) ;
  • Kadhavoor Ragavan Karthikeyan (Department of Applied Mathematics and Science College of Engineering National University of Science & Technology) ;
  • Sakkarai Lakshmi (Department of Information Technology University of Technology and Applied Sciences) ;
  • Alagiriswamy Senguttuvan (Department of Applied Mathematics and Science College of Engineering National University of Science & Technology)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.30
  • 심사 : 2024.03.20
  • 발행 : 2024.07.31


In this paper, we use higher order derivatives with regard to symmetric points to introduce a class of multivalent starlike functions. The major deviation is that we define some differential characterizations that are subordinate to a function whose real part is not greater than zero. The primary outcomes of this study are initial coefficients and the Fekete-Szegő inequality for functions falling under the given class. Also, we have obtained an interesting subordination results involving symmetric functions. The results obtained here extend or unify the various other well-known and new results.



The authors are grateful to the reviewer for the valuable remarks, comments, and advices that help us to remove some mistakes that appeared in the manuscript and to improve the quality of the paper.


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