Multiclass Music Classification Approach Based on Genre and Emotion

  • Jonghwa Kim (Department of Artificial Intelligence, Cheju Halla University)
  • Received : 2024.05.03
  • Accepted : 2024.05.15
  • Published : 2024.08.31


Reliable and fine-grained musical metadata are required for efficient search of rapidly increasing music files. In particular, since the primary motive for listening to music is its emotional effect, diversion, and the memories it awakens, emotion classification along with genre classification of music is crucial. In this paper, as an initial approach towards a "ground-truth" dataset for music emotion and genre classification, we elaborately generated a music corpus through labeling of a large number of ordinary people. In order to verify the suitability of the dataset through the classification results, we extracted features according to MPEG-7 audio standard and applied different machine learning models based on statistics and deep neural network to automatically classify the dataset. By using standard hyperparameter setting, we reached an accuracy of 93% for genre classification and 80% for emotion classification, and believe that our dataset can be used as a meaningful comparative dataset in this research field.



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