이 논문은 2024년도 남서울대학교 학술연구비 지원에 의해 연구되었음.
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- Baik SM, Cynn HS, Yi CH, et al. Effect of side-sling plank exercise on trunk and hip muscle activation in subjects with gluteus medius weakness. Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2022;35(4):849-857.
- Bizzini M, Mannion AF. Reliability of a new, hand-held device for assessing skeletal muscle stiffness. Clinical Biomechanics. 2003;18(5):459-461.
- Chen L, Chen J, Peng Q, et al. Effect of sling exercise training on balance in patients with stroke: a meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2016;11:e0163351.
- Cortell-Tormo JM, Garcia-Jaen M, Chulvi-Medrano I, et al. Influence of Scapular Position on the Core Musculature Activation in the Prone Plank Exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2017;31(8):2255-2262.
- Gilbert I, Gaudreault N, Gaboury I. Intra- and inter-evaluator reliability of the MyotonPRO for the assessment of the viscoelastic properties of caesarean section scar and unscarred skin. Skin Research and Technology. 2021;27(3):370-375.
- Kiatkulanusorn S, Suato BP, Werasirirat P. Analysis of neck and back muscle activity during the application of various pillow designs in patients with forward head posture. Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2021;34(3):431-439.
- Kim S, Salazar Fajardo JC, Yoon B. Activation of Anterolateral Abdominal Muscles During Sling Bridge Exercises: Comparison of Different Pelvic Positions. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2023;32(4):376-384.
- Kim SY, Kang MH, Kim ER, et al. Comparison of EMG activity on abdominal muscles during plank exercise with unilateral and bilateral additional isometric hip adduction. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2016;30:9-14.
- Kim YW, Kim NY, Chang WH, et al. Comparison of the therapeutic effects of a sling exercise and a traditional stabilizing exercise for clinical lumbar spinal instability. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2018;27:47-54.
- Kim HS, Lee KC. Effect of support surface form on abdominal muscle thickness during plank exercise. Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine. 2019;7(3):197-204.
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- Kline JB, Krauss JR, Maher SF, et al. Core strength training using a combination of home exercises and a dynamic sling system for the management of low back pain in pre-professional ballet dancers: a case series. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. 2013;17(1):24-33.
- Koo DK, Nam SM, Kwon JW. Immediate Effects of the Reverse Plank Exercise on Muscle Thickness and Postural Angle in Individuals with the Forward Shoulder Posture. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2022;7(4):82.
- Kopecka B, Ravnik D, Jelen K, et al. Objective methods of muscle tone diagnosis and their application-a critical review. Sensors. 2023;23(16):7189.
- Lee WH. Effects of plank exercise method using sling on the trunk muscle activity. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial. 2022;23(1):449-455.
- Muthalib M, Jubeau M, Millet GY, et al. Comparison between electrically evoked and voluntary isometric contractions for biceps brachii muscle oxidative metabolism using near-infrared spectroscopy. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2009;107(2):235-241.
- Naugle KE, Hackett J, Aqeel D, et al. Effect of different Kinesio tape tensions on experimentally-induced thermal and muscle pain in healthy adults. PLoS One. 2021;16(11):1-14.
- Park DJ, Park SY. Which trunk exercise most effectively activates abdominal muscles? A comparative study of plank and isometric bilateral leg raise exercises. Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2019;32(5):797-802.
- Park S, Choi BH, Jee YS. Effects of plank exercise on respiratory capacity, physical fitness, and immunocytes in older adults. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. 2023;19(6):332-338.
- Park SK, Lee KS, Heo SJ, et al. Effects of High Intensity Plank Exercise on Physical Fitness and Immunocyte Function in a Middle-Aged Man: A Case Report. Medicina. 2021;57(8):845.
- Patel VD, Eapen C, Ceepee Z, et al. Effect of muscle energy technique with and without strain-counterstrain technique in acute low back pain - A randomized clinical trial. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal. 2018;38(1):41-51.
- Pruyn EC, Watsford ML, Murphy AJ. Validity and reliability of three methods of stiffness assessment. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2016;5(4):476-483.
- Sharma SK, Kala N, Telles S. Volitional yoga breathing influences attention and anxiety: An exploratory randomized crossover study. Complementary Medicine Research. 2022;29(2):120-126.
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- Yan ZW, Yang Z, Zhao FL, et al. Effect of sling exercise therapy on surface electromyography and muscle thickness of superficial cervical muscle groups in female patients with chronic neck pain. Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2023;36(2):387-397.