Development of multigroup cross section library generation system TPAMS

  • Lili Wen (China Institute of Atomic Energy, China Nuclear Data Center) ;
  • Haicheng Wu (China Institute of Atomic Energy, China Nuclear Data Center) ;
  • Ying Chen (China Institute of Atomic Energy, China Nuclear Data Center) ;
  • Xiaoming Chai (Nuclear Power Institute of China) ;
  • Xiaofei Wu (China Institute of Atomic Energy, China Nuclear Data Center) ;
  • Xiaolan Tu (Nuclear Power Institute of China) ;
  • Yuan Liu (Nuclear Power Institute of China)
  • Received : 2023.10.12
  • Accepted : 2024.01.18
  • Published : 2024.06.25


Kylin-2 is an advanced neutronics lattice code, developed by Nuclear Power Institute of China. High-precision multigroup cross section library is need for KYLIN-2 to carry out simulation of current pressurized water reactor (PWR) and advanced reactor. In this paper a multigroup cross section library generation system named TPAMS was developed, the methods in TPAMS dealing with resonance data such as subgroup parameters, lambda factor, resonance integral were discussed. Moreover, the depletion chain simplification method was studied. TPAMS can produce multigroup library in binary and ASIIC formats, including detailed data contents for resonance, transport and depletion calculations. A multigroup cross section library has been generated for KYLIN-2 based on TPAMS system. The multigroup cross section library was verified through the analysis of various criticality and burnup benchmarks, the values of multiplication factor and isotope density were compared with the experiment data. Numerical results demonstrate the accuracy of the multigroup cross section library and the reliability of the multigroup cross section library generation system TPAMS.



This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation Project (No. 12205380).


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