GEOUNED: A new conversion tool from CAD to Monte Carlo geometry

  • J.P. Catalan (ETSI Industriales, Dpt. Ingenieria Energetica, UNED) ;
  • P. Sauvan (ETSI Industriales, Dpt. Ingenieria Energetica, UNED) ;
  • J. Garcia (ETSI Industriales, Dpt. Ingenieria Energetica, UNED) ;
  • J. Alguacil (ETSI Industriales, Dpt. Ingenieria Energetica, UNED) ;
  • F. Ogando (ETSI Industriales, Dpt. Ingenieria Energetica, UNED) ;
  • J. Sanz (ETSI Industriales, Dpt. Ingenieria Energetica, UNED)
  • Received : 2023.11.20
  • Accepted : 2024.01.30
  • Published : 2024.06.25


The GEOUNED code is specifically designed to convert CAD models, defined using the B-rep approach, into MC radiation transport models, defined using the CSG approach, and vice versa from MC to CAD. This code incorporates standard features commonly found in conversion tools, including decomposition, conversion, and automatic void generation. Additionally, it introduces innovative features, mainly in the automatic void generation part, which are described in this article. GEOUNED has demonstrated successful application in highly detailed 3D models used in fusion neutronics, which are known for their complex geometries, particularly those utilized in ITER. The article includes examples showcasing GEOUNED's performance in these challenging models, as well as custom applications that highlight its flexibility in addressing non-standard problems. The code is open-source and utilizes Open CASCADE as the geometry engine, with FreeCAD serving as the Python API.



This work has been supported by (i) the Spanish MICINN and by FSE (Fondo Social Europeo) under Programa Estatal I + D + I-Retos, project PID2019-109362RA-I00 (ii) Comunidad de Madrid under I + D en Tecnologias, Prj. TECHNOFUSION (III)-CM, S2018/EMT-4437, (iii) ETS Ingenieros Industriales UNED 2023 programme, project 2023-ETSII-UNED-03.


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