Numerical study on the gaseous radioactive pollutant dispersion in urban area from the upstream wind: Impact of the urban morphology

  • Shuai Wang (China Ship Development and Design Center) ;
  • Xiaolei Zheng (International Academy of Neutron Science) ;
  • Jin Wang (International Academy of Neutron Science) ;
  • Jianzhi Yang (Department of Built Environment, Hefei University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.21
  • 심사 : 2024.01.09
  • 발행 : 2024.06.25


The radioactive pollutant could migrate to the downstream urban area under the action of atmospheric dispersion due to the turbulent mixing under actual pollution accidents. A scenario in which radioactive contaminants from the upstream (for example, a nearshore nuclear power plant accident) migrates to the downstream urban blocks have been considered in this study. Numerical simulations using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are then conducted to investigate the effects of the urban morphology (building packing density and layout) on the atmospheric dispersion of radioactive pollutants in this scenario. The building packing density and structure can significantly affect urban areas' mean flow pattern and the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). The flow pattern and the TKE distribution influence the radioactive pollution dispersion. It is found that the radioactive pollution at the urban canyons is significantly affected by the vertical transport at the canyon. A comparison of the distributions of radioactive and traditional non-radioactive pollutants is also provided.



We thank other FDS Team members, and authors and contributors of references cited. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (72001201).


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