Fake News Detector using Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Diaa Salama (Misr International University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics) ;
  • yomna Ibrahim (Misr International University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics) ;
  • Radwa Mostafa (Misr International University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics) ;
  • Abdelrahman Tolba (Misr International University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics) ;
  • Mariam Khaled (Misr International University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics) ;
  • John Gerges (Misr International University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics) ;
  • Diaa Salama (Misr International University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics)
  • 투고 : 2024.07.05
  • 발행 : 2024.07.30


With the Covid-19(Corona Virus) spread all around the world, people are using this propaganda and the desperate need of the citizens to know the news about this mysterious virus by spreading fake news. Some Countries arrested people who spread fake news about this, and others made them pay a fine. And since Social Media has become a significant source of news, .there is a profound need to detect these fake news. The main aim of this research is to develop a web-based model using a combination of machine learning algorithms to detect fake news. The proposed model includes an advanced framework to identify tweets with fake news using Context Analysis; We assumed that Natural Language Processing(NLP) wouldn't be enough alone to make context analysis as Tweets are usually short and do not follow even the most straightforward syntactic rules, so we used Tweets Features as several retweets, several likes and tweet-length we also added statistical credibility analysis for Twitter users. The proposed algorithms are tested on four different benchmark datasets. And Finally, to get the best accuracy, we combined two of the best algorithms used SVM ( which is widely accepted as baseline classifier, especially with binary classification problems ) and Naive Base.



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