Fine Grained Security in Cloud with Cryptographic Access Control

  • 투고 : 2024.07.05
  • 발행 : 2024.07.30


Cloud computing services has gained increasing popularity in recent years for supporting various on demand and scalable services for IT consumers where there is a need of less investment towards infrastructure. While storage architecture of cloud enjoys a more robust and fault-tolerant cloud computing network, such architecture also poses a number of security challenges especially when applied in applications related to social networks, Financial transactions, etc. First, as data are stored and maintained by individual virtual machines so Cloud resources are prone to hijacked. Such attacks allow attackers to create, modify and delete machine images, and change administrative passwords and settings successfully. hence, it is significantly harder to ensure data security. Second, Due to dynamic and shared nature of the Cloud, data may be compromised in many ways. Last but not least, Service hijacking may lead to redirect client to an illegitimate website. User accounts and service instances could in turn make a new base for attackers. To address the above challenges, we propose in this paper a distributed data access control scheme that is able to fulfil fine-grained access control over cloud data and is resilient against strong attacks such as compromise and user colluding. The proposed framework exploits a novel cryptographic primitive called attribute-based encryption (ABE), tailors, and adapts it for cloud computing with respect to security requirements



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