Hypothetical Study of Student's Academic Performance influenced by Parent's Educational and Financial Status

  • Zohra Khatoon (Department of Science and Technical Education, University of Sindh) ;
  • Hussain Saleem (Department of Computer Science, UBIT, University of Karachi) ;
  • Ameer Ali Buriro (Center for Gender Studies, University of Sindh) ;
  • Uzma Murad Panhwar (Department of Educational Management and Supervision, University of Sindh) ;
  • Samina Saleem (Karachi University Business School, KUBS, University of Karachi)
  • Received : 2024.07.05
  • Published : 2024.07.30


This research is conducted in order to analyze the student's academic performance at the secondary school level in Sindh province of Pakistan. The study was focused on the students who have passed the Matriculation level recently. The sample of size equal to 1097 secondary level students was randomly selected in a way that from each college roughly up to 150 students took part in the survey. The sample selection was further divided on gender (Male=448, Female=649) and Locale (Urban=456, Rural=641). A survey questionnaire was circulated for data collection. The statistical analysis based on Pearson's Chi-Square and Correlation models were carried out using the collected data. The conclusion was drawn from results that strongly revealed that the student's academic achievement at high school level was highly associated to their parent's educational level and socio-economic background. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the financial condition of the population must be enhanced by taking suitable measures. The affected students should be awarded adequate financial assistance or scholarships to face such hardships of their learning career. Free laptops, learning materials, books, and stationery should also be provided.



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